Expertise, Role and Activity
Karolinska Institutet (KI) is one of the world’s leading medical universities accounting for the single largest share of all academic medical research conducted in Sweden. The Institute of Environmental Medicine is a department at KI and a national institute entrusted with providing authorities in Sweden and abroad with support related to environmental health risk assessments. In the BactEradiX project, KI focuses on the biocompatibility assessment of novel nanoplatforms.
PI: Bengt Fadeel
Bengt Fadeel is a Professor of Medical Inflammation Research and Head of the Unit of Molecular Toxicology at the Institute of Environmental Medicine. His team has a long-standing track record in nanotoxicology with particular emphasis on the impact of nanomaterials on the immune system. He oversees the activities in WP6, and his team contributes to the work in WP4 and WP6.